Category: Features
Traveling with a Video Crew
8th May
Our own Editor and Art Director Lope went to Chile last year. And a camera crew appears to have joined his group. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to go on an artist retreat to Caraumilla in November of …
In Doug Freeman We Trust
9th August
Doug Freeman is a multi-talented Austin hero. The former Austin Chronicle writer, and current occasional columnist, has also co-authored the essential “The Austin Chronicle Music Anthology” which was released in March (much to the Gopher Editor’s musical benefit). …
Rad Tunes for you, from Desiree Mata
18th July
Friendly Sounds Series: Ron Berry
11th July
July in Texas is… hot. The temperature climbed up quickly in May and has been inching ever closer to skin-evaporating heights of the sun. But thankfully there is reprieve indoors, sticking our heads in the melting freezer and listening to …
Zarouhie Abdalian doesn’t have a favorite word.
16th May
Zarouhie was in town on an artistic mission back when there was still a need for sweaters. We met her at a the dusty bar that we favor, immediately impressed by two things: she was immune …
Behind the Cover: An Interview with Monocle Magazine’s Tyler Brûlé
25th April
Early last year, as we strolled the streets of London, we decided to take the opportunity to sit down with a series of editors that are, in our young Gopher-peepers, some of our most admired peers. From these meetings a …
Ultra Secret Sneak Peek: The Gopher – Volume 2
24th March
Hello! As some of you might know already, some months ago the Gopher team moved it’s headquarters to sunny Austin, TX. Here we found a new home, a profusion of amazing friendships and a place to continue this project for …
A sweet musical landing in Dënver, Chile.
22nd January
Chilean wonder-duo Dënver (as they say, “the band, not the dinosaur”, whatever that means) claim that music comes naturally to them. Mariana claims she learned to play the guitar at the same time she learned to walk – and partner …
Storming back in: Guy Yanai shows his (new) goods
17th November
So, you know when you have this friend, this awesome friend whose life you’re so in tune with and then someone moves and you keep in touch and then it’s a year later and you realize you haven’t caught up …
Neon Gold Records kind of hearts Destiny’s Child
11th October
Interviewing labels like Neon Gold – inspired, ambitious and genuine lovers of music – is the reason we decided to create this series of posts. Having come across Passion Pit “on MySpace” these guys decided to throw caution to the …
Electric Graffiti: Art and Light take over power station
23rd August
After bracing myself against wind and sand, I see the massive, hulking shell of a building. Its white walls are crumbling, its great glass windows long broken. Perched right on the shoreline, the only way to enter the abandoned South …
Merrill Garbus: playing Tune Yards with musical rompers
18th August
Merrill Garbus is a lovely example of the power of one + friends. She decided to pursue her solo musical project without a record studio. Without specialized equipment and without a formal band. Armed with a versatile voice and a …
Alejandro Paul writes the world over
3rd August
If there is one typographer you should keep an eye on, that is without a doubt Alejandro Paul. A quick look at his twitter just tells us everything: “Facebook says Thank You to 500 million users with a Sudtipos …
Natural altruism: how night-noises induce rumination
29th July
Gopher Staffer and licenced biologist Angie Nicolás has some sleep issues. From her wonderful, sleep deprived but still scientific mind, we were able to convince her to write about a topic that had been personally bothering her: birds that go …
Zoom in. Focus. Click.
20th July
It was a rainy summer afternoon when I discovered her in the attic above my mother’s bedroom, hidden beneath a thick layer of dust and surrounded by a fortress of boxes and spider webs. She was an old Minolta, and …
Romeo Alaeff shows us his tapeworm
7th July
Brooklyn-born global dweller Romeo Alaeff is an artist. Any sort of definition beyond that may be fuzzy or inaccurate, and his work itself blurs the boundaries between icon and art, funny and serious, traditional and experimental, and public and private. …
The first 14 minutes and 23 seconds of the Gopher Illustrated !
18th June
Dear friends,
As many of you know by now, this Friday at 8:35am the first print edition of the Gopher Illustrated was born! we promise a much lengthier feature in the near future, but for the moment, witness in all …
Franke James is Drawing a Greener Conscience
16th June
Posting about climate change and a green conscience may strike some as preachy, and we at the Gopher have to confess a great deal of pickiness when it comes to reading up on it. Ruining the environment is bad, and …
Julia Haltigan’s cure for boredom
10th May
Uncomfortable topics and Julio Ramirez’s many hats.
30th April
Writer and filmmaker Julio Ramirez is not just a friend but also an inspiration, genuinely. I first had the pleasure of meeting Julio in the summer of ’07, during an intense three-week screenwriting program (or soul searching session) at TheFilmSchool…
The formal symbolism of Simon Bernheim
2nd April
Simon Bernheim is a French artist whose work “constantly evolves around the perception of words, signs and language. His project is to change the meaning of words and language away from its sense and towards …
The Handmade tale of Lido Pimienta
24th February
Lido Pimienta is a mother, an artist, a singer-songwriter, a screamer, a banana-sandwich eater, a student, a Colombian in Canada, a Canadian with dreams of Colombia. She also has one of the best names we can think of. So we …
Freddie Stevenson needs our supreme indifference
1st February
Freddie Stevenson, the English-born singer-songwriter is a self-taught musical genius. Freddie gives his listeners the kind of musical and lyrical experience usually reserved for the likes of Leonard Cohen, Paul Simon and Bob Dylan. When he told us he loved …
Kickstarter is feeling the love (or doesn’t hang up!)
11th January
Full disclosure here: We love Kickstarter. Through their website we’ve been fundraising to print the first, fabulous, tricked-out print issue of The Gopher Illustrated. We got in touch with the Kickstarter team, and they were like “Ummm. sure, why …
Candy Claws are Coming to Town
16th December
When the Candy Claws told us they wanted to visit The Gopher on their Online World Tour, we were excited to learn what an online tour was. We asked them hopefully “does this mean the band plays live on …
Philippe Intraligi / Bauhaus, TV and Hot Soup
26th November
Philippe Intraligi is a German-born, Brazil-interning, New York-dwelling, Graphic Designer whose impressive client includes Telecom Italia, Adidas (and their Missy Elliott collection that a Gopher Editor who will remain nameless loves) and whose branding work is rooted in aesthetic philosophy …
Swiss Design beyond Müller-Brockmann: Billy Ben
18th November
Born in Fribourg and designer from the cradle, Bénédict M. Rohrer [ a.k.a. Billy Ben ] is much more than your average line-drawing, typeface-choosing feller. To this team of Gophers, he’s a character that pops up regularly when we are …
Philosophy / Jesse Prinz’s Surrealist Embarassment
10th November
With all these music and art and design posts, we couldn’t resist waxing philosophical. On a recent trip, I met with philosophy Professor Jesse Prinz at NYC’s Deitch Galleries and was so excited about this interview I forgot my wallet. …
Music / Candy Claws Sweeten the Deal
26th October
This one time I went Scuba Diving. I was thirteen, and and I felt like an idiot with all the gear and the flippers and the mask on top of the awkwardness of being thirteen. That is, until I got …
Interview / Stephen Ledwidge makes us blush
23rd October
Receiving and reading submissions is probably one of my most favoritest things to do. Usually, I put them in a neat little reading stack (on my e-mail inbox, of course) and go through them one by one, in order of …
El Diente de Oro
15th October
In this enormous world few galleries-cum-shops are loved by the Gopher team as much as El Diente de Oro. The “Diente” is a beautimous project located in Buenos Aires and founded by our longtime friend PIAN, along with musician …
Interview / Shane Lavalette Talks Shop
8th October
Shane Lavalette is a Photographer. He lives in Massachussets, shoots everywhere else, often waking at the ugly, hairy and sleepy side of dawn to capture space in convoluted places (this makes him a hero in our lazy eyes. I mean… …
On Politics: The Left in Latin America
4th October
Kyra Choucroun is one of the founders of The Gopher Illustrated and a political fiend (try and stop her, we dare you!)Â Her interests range from International Political Economy to Development and Conflict resolution. Fresh out of a Masters from …
Gentle Friendly / drone the pop way
16th September
Gentle Friendly begins as an environmental experiment in instrumental hodgepodge. After a friend rescues a drum-kit and some coffee from “a skip” David and Daniel [ and their drum-kit, their coffee, their friend and two old keyboards ] get together …
Story Time with William Giraldi
11th September
The world is ending, and every page of every magazine ever printed has self-destructed – burned, BURNED! – in protest of the coming apocalypse of the newsstand because by golly the printed page is a dinosaur waiting to breathe its …
Interview / warm weather, Campari and Guy Yanai
28th August
As August comes to an end, we bring you an artist from beyond the turning leaves of Europe and America. Guy Yanai is a Middle eastern painter, the founder of the well-known project Gallery 33. Our sources reveal that Guy …
Interview / 18 questions for Mike Cina
19th August
- What lessons have you learned from working in design and within the art scene of Minneapolis?
1. I don’t really see myself as a designer.
2. People here really stick to themselves. It is a very Dutch/German town.
3. …
Shaken: Experiencing Dan Auerbach
15th August
Friend and Gopher-writer Dylan Shrader came up with an idea for a review format. Early on, us Gophers agreed that we’d like musicians to do all the music reviews. Shrader is a musician, so he qualifies for this, but he …
Take a peek: Jessica Hische
11th August
Lope, our Art Director, is a type freak. Longtime editor of Platanoverde Magazine in Venezuela, he dreams in highly stylized type-text and drools at the sight of Futura. When curating portfolios for our first edition, our dear Lope almost seized …
Talking Shop: “Global” Explained.
20th July
We have been hard at work putting together our zero issue (which you will be able to flip through in our nifty PageFlip on our “magazine” section) several issues have come up surrounding the idea of spaces. Spaces as in …
This Page is being built!
9th June
Much ado about style, a crash course on css and we’re on the interwebs! This page is very much under construction, so fret not faithful friend – it will be all it should be on the double. In the meantime, …
1st June
I thought I’d upload some lovely behind-the-scenes photos from the shoot. Featured are Lope G-R and yours truly. Vanity’s a real bitch.

typical issue
We’re up?
25th May
After a weekend – and lets face it, more than one skipped workday – we are done shooting the photos for the upcoming presentation of the magazine. Oh yes, the Gopher Illustrated [upon Lope’s request i feel obligated to say …