Panther Touches our Sounds

Posted on October 1st, by mbenaim in Sound. 1 Comment

Panther 001

Love is Sold (Lips and Ribs remix) Entropy, 2009

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One may be inclined to do some horrible things when it rains. For me, these “horrible things” take shape in waxing nostalgic about the recent and not-so-recent past. Unearthing photographs, looking at old por… traits, you know, pigtails and lollipops and – I mean, I’ve heard this happens to friends of friends.

This particularly rainy afternoon led to some file cleanup and Panther. Way back when I stumbled upon Panther’s music, it was a solo project complete a stage act Charlie Salas-Humara dubbed “floor dancing” – some weird and wonderful wriggling that was a staple at his shows.

Panther 002

Since then, Panther has grown into a duo, which now includes Joe Kelly, a more recent album release by the name of “14 KT God” and “Entropy,” a even more recent LP. Both are worth a listen (further than just pressing play on this page forever) so go purchase the rest! As for an “about the music” I am not in the habit of prescribing what you should do with the music you listen to (i.e. “this is perfect for a roadtrip with your mom!” or “Rock out to the melodious whatever in this song!” ) I’m just going to leave you with a few tracks for your listening pleasure. Toodles!

Diamonds Violence 14 KT God, 2008

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Puerto Rican Jukebox 14 KT God, 2008

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